We currently have a plethora of signature styles across sample notices. It would be nice to make them consistent. Here are the ones I found in the sample_notices.yaml file (I skipped the slips and sms messages) Notices meant for patrons - branchname Staff (ODUE) - Kind regards<br>branchname (BOOKING_CANCELLATION, BOOKING_MODIFICATION, BOOKING_CONFIRMATION) - Kind regards<br>full branch address (ILL_PICKUP_READY, ILL_REQUEST_UNAVAIL, ILL_REQUEST_UPDATE, ILL_PICKUP_READY, ILL_REQUEST_UNAVAIL) - Thank you (TICKET_ACKNOWLEDGE, TICKET_RESOLVE, TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP) - Thank you,<br>branchname (ACCEPTED, AVAILABLE, ORDERED, REJECTED) - Thank you,<br>Librarian<br>branchname (MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRY) - Thank you,<br>Your library,<br>branchname (MEMBERSHIP_RENEWED) - Thank you. (CHECKIN, DUEDGST, PREDUEDGST, PASSWORD_RESET,STAFF_PASSWORD_RESET) - Thank you.<br>Your library. (SHARE_ACCEPT, SHARE_INVITE) - Thank you! (AR_COMPLETED, AR_PENDING, AR_REQUESTED, AR_PROCESSING, HOLDDGST, RETURN_RECALLED_ITEM, PICKUP_RECALLED_ITEM, HOLDPLACED_PATRON) - Thank you for visiting branchname. (CHECKOUT, RENEWAL) - Your library. (ACQ_NOTIF_ON_RECEIV, PASSWORD_CHANGE) - Your library (AR_CANCELED, 2FA_DISABLE) - No signature (ACCOUNT_PAYMENT, ACCOUNT_WRITEOFF, DUE, PREDUE, DISCHARGE,OPAC_REG_VERIFY, WELCOME, 2FA_OTP_TOKEN, CANCEL_HOLD_ON_LOST, HOLD, HOLD_REMINDER, NEW_CURBSIDE_PICKUP, SERIAL_ALERT, AUTO_RENEWALS, AUTO_RENEWALS_DGST, LIST, CART) Notices meant for staff, other libraries, vendors, etc. - Thank you (TICKET_ACKNOWLEDGE, TICKET_RESOLVE) - Thank you,<br>branchname (ACQORDER, TO_PROCESS, NOTIFY_MANAGER) - Kind regards<br>full branch adress (ILL_PARTNER_REQ) - Your library (2FA_DISABLE) - No signature (TICKET_ASSIGNED, TICKET_NOTIFY, CHECKOUT_NOTE, ACQCLAIM, ILL_REQUEST_CANCEL, ILL_REQUEST_MODIFIED, ILL_REQUEST_CANCEL, ILL_REQUEST_MODIFIED, HOLDPLACED, HOLD_CHANGED, NEW_SUGGESTION, PROBLEM_REPORT, OPAC_REG, OAI_HARVEST_REPORT) Is there any that would fit all of them? I like "Thank you,<br>branchname" provided the branch is available for the notice.
For sample notices (and for easier translation :) ) it might be good to have it as simple as possible. So not the full address. I like "Thank you,<br>branchname" as well. Or "Kind regards,<br>branchname", I would prefer either of them.
Could we re-use the address includes we use in other spots for the signature? This way we could also pull the different formats according to the AddressFormat system preference (I18N).
Similar to Katrin I'd also vote for the possibility to move the signature to a separate file and include it somehow, not only for the samples but also for "real life". It's quite a number of notices where it should be added consistently, and it might be quite lengthy as well. This would also help in the translation issues Philip mentions: it's just one file that needs to be translated. If it's possible to include a signature somehow right now did not notice that as I started out with the samples. So for me as a newbe they also serve as a "how they do it in Koha". BTW: I'd also suggest to split off signatures from the mail body by the usual marker (`-- ` in it's own line). Including it in a file might also allow to enforce standard conformity by Koha adding it before the signature. (cf. RFC 3676, https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3676#section-4.3)