In bug 38436 Katrin mentions that REGEXP_REPLACE was a problem, it still can be if using MySQL 5.7 or below We had a test site update fail Seems to be easily fixed by changing to: UPDATE columns_settings SET columnname=SUBSTRING(columnname,LOCATE("_",columnname)+1) WHERE module="catalogue" AND page="detail" AND ( tablename="holdings_table" OR tablename="otherholdings_table");
Created attachment 176659 [details] [review] Bug 38906: Use SUBSTRING and LOCATE over REGEXP_REPLACE To test: 1 - Check out an old version of Koha and set some columns settings for holdings tables, or: UPDATE columns_settings SET columnname = CONCAT("holdings_",columnname) WHERE module = 'catalogue' AND page='detail' AND tablename = "holdings_table"; UPDATE columns_settings SET columnname = CONCAT("otherholdings_",columnname) WHERE module = 'catalogue' AND page = 'detail' AND tablename = "otherholdings_table"; 2 - perl -e 'use C4::Installer; my $result = C4::Installer::run_db_rev("/kohadevbox/koha/installer/data/mysql/db_revs/"); warn Data::Dumper::Dumper($result)' 3 - SELECT columnname FROM columns_settings WHERE module="catalogue" AND page="detail" AND ( tablename="holdings_table" OR tablename="otherholdings_table"); 4 - Confirm column names are correct
Which OS?
Are you sure the patch is correct? select REGEXP_REPLACE(columnname, '.*holdings_', ''), SUBSTRING(columnname,LOCATE("_",columnname)+1) from columns_settings WHERE module = 'catalogue' AND page='detail' AND tablename = "hold ings_table"; +-----------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | REGEXP_REPLACE(columnname, '.*holdings_', '') | SUBSTRING(columnname,LOCATE("_",columnname)+1) | +-----------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | actions | holdings_actions | | barcode | holdings_barcode | | booksellerid | holdings_booksellerid | | ccode | holdings_ccode | | checkbox | holdings_checkbox | | copynumber | holdings_copynumber | | course_reserves | holdings_course_reserves | | cover_image | holdings_cover_image | | dateaccessioned | holdings_dateaccessioned | | datelastborrowed | holdings_datelastborrowed | | enumchron | holdings_enumchron | | holdingbranch | holdings_holdingbranch | | homebranch | holdings_homebranch | | hostrecord | holdings_hostrecord | | issues | holdings_issues | | item_group | holdings_item_group | | itemcallnumber | holdings_itemcallnumber | | itemnotes | holdings_itemnotes | | itemnotes_nonpublic | holdings_itemnotes_nonpublic | | itype | holdings_itype | | lastseen | holdings_lastseen | | localuse | holdings_localuse | | materials | holdings_materials | | renewals | holdings_renewals | | spinelabel | holdings_spinelabel | | status | holdings_status | | stocknumber | holdings_stocknumber | | uri | holdings_uri | | usedin | holdings_usedin | +-----------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
Wondering: Do we still support MySQL and should this be updated?
I thought we still supported the default versions of MySQL that are installed on the supported LTS operating systems. I'm not sure what they are, but they should be added.
(In reply to David Nind from comment #5) > I thought we still supported the default versions of MySQL that are > installed on the supported LTS operating systems. > > I'm not sure what they are, but they should be added. I think Debian replaced MySQL with MariaDB - but I am really no expert there.