I have installed Koha version 24.11. I try to add the OPAC About Us page using the Koha "Add Content Pages option. I create a page name about us that is visible in the staff interface but not in OPAC. it comes this An error has occurred! Error 404 This message may have been caused by any of the following reasons: You made use of an external link to an item that is no longer available You followed an outdated link e.g. from a search engine or a bookmark You tried to access a page that needs authentication An internal link in the client is broken and the page does not exist
Hi, I've just tested and it works for me in the current version. Some things to check: * Check your OpacBaseURL system preference and configure it if missing * Make sure you have a publication date in the past set for the page * Make sure you picked display location OPAC As this is a support request, please move this to the mailing lists or the community chat on Mattermost (https://chat.koha-community.org) if this doesn's resolve your issue.