We have "fetch" files in koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/js/vue/fetch and koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/js/fetch The reason is hidden behind http-client and how we handle errors. We should avoid the duplication of -api-client.js files between the two directories.
Created attachment 177316 [details] [review] Bug 38993: Merge 'fetch' directories Why does not alias @fetch work??
Created attachment 177317 [details] [review] Bug 38993: (follow-up) Add 'fetch' alias to rspack config
Created attachment 177318 [details] [review] Bug 38993: (follow-up) Add 'fetch' alias to rspack config
Created attachment 177337 [details] [review] Bug 38993: Merge 'fetch' directories
Created attachment 177338 [details] [review] Bug 38993: (follow-up) Add 'fetch' alias to rspack config
Created attachment 177339 [details] [review] Bug 38993: Use the @fetch alias
Created attachment 177342 [details] [review] Bug 38993: Use the @fetch alias
Created attachment 177343 [details] [review] Bug 38993: Restore add patrons to list
Created attachment 177344 [details] [review] Bug 38993: Restore add patrons to list
Created attachment 177345 [details] [review] Bug 38993: Merge 'fetch' directories Signed-off-by: Paul Derscheid <paul.derscheid@lmscloud.de>
Created attachment 177346 [details] [review] Bug 38993: (follow-up) Add 'fetch' alias to rspack config Signed-off-by: Paul Derscheid <paul.derscheid@lmscloud.de>
Created attachment 177347 [details] [review] Bug 38993: Use the @fetch alias Signed-off-by: Paul Derscheid <paul.derscheid@lmscloud.de>
Created attachment 177348 [details] [review] Bug 38993: Restore add patrons to list Signed-off-by: Paul Derscheid <paul.derscheid@lmscloud.de>
We should then discuss how we want to organize those files. One thing that is wrong is the inconsistency in the use of plural vs singular: additional-fields-api-client.js cover-image-api-client.js patron-api-client.js We first had the modules, and so started with singular. Then we continue with all singular. But at some point plurals got introduced and now it's messy. I would revert to all singular, but that's for another bug report.