Bug 39046 - Use Bootstrap badge to indicate late transfers
Summary: Use Bootstrap badge to indicate late transfers
Status: Needs Signoff
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Templates (show other bugs)
Version: Main
Hardware: All All
: P5 - low enhancement
Assignee: Owen Leonard
QA Contact: Testopia
Depends on: 38664
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Reported: 2025-02-05 19:50 UTC by Owen Leonard
Modified: 2025-02-06 15:49 UTC (History)
0 users

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Change sponsored?: ---
Patch complexity: Trivial patch
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Circulation function:

Screenshot showing the proposed updated page (75.42 KB, image/png)
2025-02-05 19:50 UTC, Owen Leonard
Bug 39046: Use Bootstrap badge to indicate late transfers (2.81 KB, patch)
2025-02-06 15:49 UTC, Owen Leonard
Details | Diff | Splinter Review

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Description Owen Leonard 2025-02-05 19:50:18 UTC
Created attachment 177552 [details]
Screenshot showing the proposed updated page

On the transfers to receive page we color the whole row red if the transfer is late. I think it would be more user-friendly to style the date-late information with a Bootstrap badge instead.
Comment 1 Owen Leonard 2025-02-06 15:49:54 UTC
Created attachment 177585 [details] [review]
Bug 39046: Use Bootstrap badge to indicate late transfers

This patch removes the error class from the table of late transfers.
Instead, the days late status is shown as a Bootstrap badge. The patch
also adds pluralization to the string so that it adapts based on the
number of late transfers.

To test you would ideally have multiple pending transfers to your
library, some late and some not. This will presumably require manually
updated your database to change the date of pending transfers.

- Make at least one transfer multiple days late by changing the
   `datesent` value to a date late enough to exceed the number of days
   defined in the TransfersMaxDaysWarning system preference.
- Make at least one transfer only one day late.
- When you go to Circulation -> Transfers to receive you should see
  badge-style labels on the transfers which are late.
  - The text of the labels should be correct according to the number: "1
    day late" or "XX days late"

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