When you order from hold ratios and the item is created on order, when you click on the button to order in the hold ratios report, an item is created immediately, but it doesn't show. So the user creates an item, and ends up having two items in the order. I'm not sure if this is the right behaviour, but I for one find it very confusing and I don't remember it being this confusing... I noticed this while giving a training on 24.05.05. To recreate (with KTD) : 1. Launch KTD and change the strict SQL mode (workaround from bug 30188) ktd up ktd --shell vi /etc/koha/sites/kohadev/koha-conf.xml Search for "strict" (it's toward the end) change <strict_sql_modes>1</strict_sql_modes> to <strict_sql_modes>0</strict_sql_modes> Save reset_all 2. Create a bunch of holds on a record 2.1. Find a record 2.2. Click 'Place hold' 2.3. Search for a patron 2.4. Click 'Place hold' 2.5. Repeat steps 2.3 and 2.4 for a bunch of other patrons (at least 3x the number of items + 1; so if your record has 1 item, place 4 holds (3x1+1), if your record has 3 items, place 10 holds (3x3+1)) 3. Add an order from high hold ratios to a basket 3.1. Go to Acquisitions 3.2. Click 'Search' under 'Search vendors' 3.3. Click 'Add to basket' next to 'My basket' 3.4. Click 'From titles with highest hold ratios' 3.5. Click '+1 to order' next to the record --> Note that 'Quantity' says 1, but there is nothing above the item form to indicate there is already one item 3.6. In the item form, choose an item type and click 'Add item' --> Note that the item you just created is displayed right above the item form --> But now your quantity is 2??
I think this might be an unwanted consequence of bug 34708?