We have placed item-specific holds on items which are checked out. If there is another copy of the same title which is available at another branch, the title is showing up on the holds-to-pull list. This list should only show the actual items to pull - and if it's an item specific hold that's the item it should show.
Created attachment 6325 [details] image showing possible bug Hey Nicole Just working on this now, I have attached an image showing what I think you mean. Can you just confirm this is the same issue you were experiencing? For context: there are 3 copies of cherries, 2 copies at branch 1 and 1 copy at branch 2. A user has checked it out from branch 1 and another user has placed a hold on that same copy and asked to collect at branch 2. Hopefully that all made sense. If this isn't the issue, is it possible to get a screenshot showing the issue?
I'm not sure what I'm looking at in that image but here's a video: http://screencast.com/t/xzlBKDBOv
In the screenshot my libraries were named 1 and 2 which was probably confusing and I had a hold on the specific item at branch 2 but it also showed the holds to pull for the same item at branch 1. Thanks for confirming that.
Nicole, is this still a valid bug?
*** Bug 3060 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 4528 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Is this still valid?
I tested this according to Nicole's video - the correct information is showing up in the holds queue report. Marking this WORKSFORME.