Bug 6967 - Add link to suggestions when nothing is found in the staff interface
Summary: Add link to suggestions when nothing is found in the staff interface
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Staff interface (show other bugs)
Version: Main
Hardware: All All
: P5 - low enhancement
Assignee: Bugs List
QA Contact: Bugs List
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Reported: 2011-10-04 14:20 UTC by Katrin Fischer
Modified: 2023-08-05 09:37 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Patch complexity: ---
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Description Katrin Fischer 2011-10-04 14:20:08 UTC
I talked to someone about acquisitions and we came up with following idea for a new feature:

After searching the catalog, when nothing is found we currently display a button to start a Z39.50 search.

Idea 1) Add an additional 'Add suggestion' button at this place in staff
Idea 2) Make it possible to add a suggestion using a result from z39.50 search

Basically Idea 2 means to make it possible to use an existing or a downloaded record for suggestions (like we do with orders). So if you are requesting 'one or many more of this book' you could use the record in the system. Or you could use the bibliographic data from a z39.50 source instead of entering the data manually.
Comment 1 Paul Poulain 2011-10-25 15:05:52 UTC
Bug versionned for master. entries will be made against rel_3_8 once the patch has been applied (see thread about that on koha-devel yesterday)
Comment 2 Katrin Fischer 2023-08-05 09:37:02 UTC
I like the idea with the link to suggestions in the staff interface still, but not so sure anymore how I envisioned the z39.50 feature to work. Changing bug for the first.