I tested claims in acquisitions with the standard notice that can be installed with Koha: <<aqbooksellers.name>> <<aqbooksellers.address1>> <<aqbooksellers.address2>> <<aqbooksellers.address3>> <<aqbooksellers.address4>> <<aqbooksellers.phone>> Ordernumber <<aqorders.ordernumber>> (<<aqorders.title>>) (<<aqorders.quantity>> ordered)($<<aqorders.listprice>> each) has not been received. The output for my late order (1) was: Vendor with email Ordernumber 6 (City of Fallen Angels) (2 ordered) ($10.000000 () ( ordered) ($ each) has not been received. Not working: - <<aqorders.listprice>> - <<aqorders.quantity>>
Quantity and listprice are displayed in the notice now. (fix included in patches for bug 5347) Note: Wrapping the aqorders fields in <order> </order> will output a list of orders now.