When searching for a patron using the Checkout tab, instead of the main Patron search, inexact searches (those returning more than 1 hit) do a 'contains' search instead of a 'starts_with' search (as one would expect from the Patron search module's behaviour). The result is many, many more results than one would otherwise expect. The call to Search() in circ/circulation.pl seems to be malformed given the documentation for how C4::Members::Search works.
Also, there had been discussion about removing the small results box in favor of just bringing back full results like the patron search does.
Is this a duplicate of 5370?
sorry, 5730 not 5370
Write "Bug 5730" to activate automatic linking.
"Bug 5730" is concerned with the members search page; this bug has to do with the search on the check-out tab.
Obsolete since Bug 15930 ?