Created attachment 8509 [details] [review] Bug 7799 - admin/ needs $dbh plack scoping
Steps to reproduce the problem: create a new framework click on "Marc Structure" for this new framework you will have "Create framework for TEST (test) using Default" click "OK" kaboom!
Created attachment 8572 [details] [review] Bug 7799 - admin/ plack scoping duplicate_framework needs $dbh so we get it from C4::Context
Created attachment 8581 [details] [review] Bug 7799 - admin/ plack scoping duplicate_framework needs $dbh so we get it from C4::Context Signed-off-by: Matthias Meusburger <>
QA comment: clean solution for plack compliance ! passed QA
There have been no further reports of problems so I am marking this bug resolved.