Patron returned several long overdue/lost items yesterday. They had been due in December of 2011 and were flagged as lost in February 2012. The item history shows they were last seen yesterday--when they were returned, while the checkout history for that items shows that it was returned on 2/17/12 which is actually the day it was flagged as lost. This is misleading because if you look at the item checkout record it shows the items returned when in fact it is not.
This should be escalated, because it causes an inconsistency between issues.date_due and items.onloan... this is one of the avenues for items to show up as both "Checked out" and "Available" at the same time. I've marked this as "Major". This may also be linked to Bug 12363 (Marking an item as lost in koha always returns it, but may no) To replicate: 1) Check out an item. 2) Change the following dates in the database, so that the item will trigger as long overdue: -- items.onloan -- issues.date_due The following fields should probably also be back-dated, for the sake of consistency with koha: -- items.datelastseen -- items.datelastborrowed -- items.timestamp -- issues.timestamp -- issues.issuedate 3) Run 4) Navigate to the item in Change the lost status from 'Longoverdue (Lost)' to blank. 5) Navigate back to, and note that the item now shows as both 'Available' and 'Checked out to <patron> : due <due date>'
I can't replicate this issue on current master.