Would be nice if we could see the fine amounts on the overdues with fines report: cgi-bin/koha/circ/branchoverdues.pl
For clarification: Would you want a column "Total Charges" accrued for that item? (And not necessarily an enumeration.) There might be accountlines having accounttype: Rental - $5.00 staticfine - multiple of these for each interval run. F - $1.00 F - $1.00 F - $1.00 F - $1.00 F - $1.00 F - $1.00 fine FU - $1.00 So the sum would be $12.00. Any attempt to list each fine may be cumbersome if there are many. Currently version 3.12+ you can click the Patron link and then the Fines tab as you know.
I think we should show a total of all F and FU fines on the item. It might be worth adding this to the 'overdues' report instead, moving towards making the 'overdues with fines' report unnecessary (see bug 9474)
I agree that "Overdues with fines" is a bit useless without actually showing the fines. Like Katrin, I think a "Fines" column should be added to "Overdues" (in addition to Overdues with fines if we don't get rid of it in bug 9474).
As for which calculation, to me it should be the total accrued for that checkout, not each offset.