Right now if you use any bulk import method for bib records (OCLC or the Stage Marc tool) the authorities in those bib records are not linked to the authority file. But it would be nice if they did :)
On master currently, bulk-imported bibs *will* be linked to authorities as part of the import if BiblioAddsAuthorities is turned on. I don't feel like connecting this behavior and syspref makes much sense. I'd rather have a separate syspref in the Linker section of the Authorities syspref, something like LinkerOnImport.
Hi Andrew, Have you worked on creating this LinkerOnImport system preference? We would also be interested in the possibility of choosing or not during the import that the link is made or not. Regards, Marjorie
That's way beyond my coding skills, sorry!
(In reply to Andrew Fuerste-Henry from comment #4) > That's way beyond my coding skills, sorry! Ok thanks! Hope someone can code this someday! Marjorie
(In reply to Andrew Fuerste-Henry from comment #2) > On master currently, bulk-imported bibs *will* be linked to authorities as > part of the import if BiblioAddsAuthorities is turned on. > > I don't feel like connecting this behavior and syspref makes much sense. I'd > rather have a separate syspref in the Linker section of the Authorities > syspref, something like LinkerOnImport. I totally agree with you. It drives me a bit crazy. Unfortunately, not on my list of priorities at the moment though...