It would be nice if there were a preference to let patrons see the notices that have been sent to them - like in the staff client.
*** Bug 12218 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 19011 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Dear Sir, We at the FCT NOVA already move to version last year. We hope that your works to enable this preference could be coded in a near future, because it will make a big change in the relation with the patrons. Please inform us which versions will include it... Also, I would like to inform you that we at the FCT NOVA have been doing KOHA workshops for the last seven years and this preference as been asked every time. Thank you in antecipation for an early reply. Victor Rosário
Hi Victor, at the moment there is no indication here that someone is working on this, so I assume the development has not been funded. Please don't change bugs to 'In Discussion' when commenting. This is used to indicate a dispute about implementation usually or a need to agree on how things need to be done. Bugs can get lost when the status is not correct.