Votes Bug # Summary
Koha (bug list) (Note: only 10 votes allowed per bug in this product.)
10 6393 Ability to pick which records to import from staged record lists (Show Votes)
10 9589 Authorities to authorities linker (Show Votes)
10 10758 Show bibliographic information of deleted records in acquisition baskets (Show Votes)
10 13722 Titles with articles not sorting correctly in lists (Show Votes)
10 18583 Add the ability to merge multiple authorities (Show Votes)
10 18823 Advanced editor - Rancor - add ability to edit records in import batches (Show Votes)
10 21472 Allow linking of $w subfields to 035 or 001+003 using the MarcOrgCode prefix (Show Votes)
10 23707 Z39.50 import goes to Basic Editor, even when Advanced editor is enabled (Show Votes)
10 23988 When replace record with z39.50, give option on what gets pre-populated (Show Votes)
10 25163 Add the ability to bulk attach items to a bib record (Show Votes)
10 28460 Add ability to hide serial publication date from holdings table on intranet details (Show Votes)
10 30546 Initial articles not ignored when sorting by the summary column in the pending_orders table (Show Votes)
10 36053 Replacement prices not populating when supplied from MarcItemFieldsToOrder (Show Votes)
130 votes used out of 200 allowed.

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