With the push of the patches for bug 11746, depending on the user's permissions and syspref settings, there can be the following separate columns for initiating actions on a given item: - spine label - edit These should be consolidated into a single action column, that if present is non-sortable.
I know this is an old one, but... This description makes it sound like there is an existing "spine label" button which can be consolidated into a menu on the bibliographic detail page's holdings table. Or is it asking for one to be added? In any case, I think in general two actions aren't enough to warrant putting into a menu.
Hi Owen, I think I figured out what was meant here: If you turn on SpineLabelShowPrintOnBibDetails you see an new column on the items table that is sortable too, even tho all the links are the same "Print label". I think Galen suggested putting both "Edit" and "print label" into one Actions column together that is not sortable.
My patch for Bug 23464 addresses the sorting. As per our discussion on IRC, I hesitate to eliminate the "Spine label" column header because it gives additional context to the "Print label" button which could otherwise be ambiguous (barcode label?). I think this should be left as WONTFIX unless someone has a better solution for the column label question.
Ok! :)