According to the manual it is possible, when creating spine labels from "Tools > Labels home > Manage label layouts > Edit Label layout", to have static text in single quote marks, such as "mytext". It seems though that when placed in the layout editor and the "Bibliographic data to print > Field list" the static text and a field/subfield name can not go in one comma delimited section, i.e. 'mytext' copy number = c. 1 (when 1 is taken by 852t). In order for static text to work it needs to be separated by another comma, which breaks the line and it is not what exactly we would be ideal to have.
This is needed otherwise it is wasting space on the label, which could require making the font size smaller to fit everything. Also, it would be great if it would detect if the copy number is "1" to not print it (at least as an option possibly)? We only would print the number if >1 before.