We don't really need to have this agenda on two pages - using the one pages would be simpler and makes the workflow more straightforward
I think this would actually be better served by two pages.. but not the two we have.. I think we need one page for 'Transactions', i.e. Where we use the offsets to work find accountlines for just the cases where 'Money has changed hands'.. 'PAYMENTS' and 'PAYOUTS' initially.. but we could also include 'CANCELLATIONS'? Then a second page for 'Outstanding amounts.. to list of debits and credits with amountoutstanding != 0 (and thus the one's that need further action).
I'm reconsidering this again.. Right now I'm thinking 'Charges' on one page, with the ability to expand the row much like the current; 'details page displays offsets now, but inline. 'Deductions/Credits' on a page to show from the opposite view.. payments, write-offs, outstanding credits etc. Perhaps a new 'Transactions' page that mimics the point of sale and uses dates in offsets to display the application of credit against debits over time.