The C4/ subroutines PrepHostMarcField and prepare_host_field both do the same thing, so should be merged.
In addition: 1) prepare_host_field: if ( $field = $host->field('100') || $host->field('110') || $host->field('11') ) - the '11' should be '111' 2) prepare_host_field has a 240 -> 773b, which should be 250a -> 773b, as it is in PrepHostMarcField 3) There's a difference in how the 773a is set: prepare_host_field uses 100ab | 110ab | 11ab, but PrepHostMarcField uses 100a | 110a | 111a
*** Bug 30793 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I remove C4::Biblio::prepare_host_field in bug 37305, opting to use the tested method I add to Koha::Biblio as `generate_marc_host_field` in bug 29560. 1) The 111 vs 11 mistake in prepare_marc_host is fixed in generate_marc_host_field already. 2) We set 773b t 250ab and 773s to 240a in generate_marc_host_field 3) We stick to 1XXab for 773a in generate_marc_host_field The outstanding differences between PrepHostMarcField, for EasyAnalytics, and generate_marc_host_field are: 1) Subfield 0 is set to the host biblionumber 2) Subfield 9 is set to the host itemnumber 3) Subfield o is set to the host item barcode