When checking out an item connected to an unresolved claim, we should alert the user just as we do at checkin. To recreate: - Set ClaimReturnedLostValue - set MarkLostItemAsReturned so that claimed items are marked as returned - check an item out to Patron A - mark that item claimed - check the item out to Patron B - Koha alerts you that it's removed the lost status, but not that there is an unresolved claim - set MarkLostItemAsReturned so that claimed items are NOT marked as returned - mark item as claimed on Patron B's account - check the item out to Patron C - Koha alerts you that the it's removed the item's lost status and asks if you want to end Patron B's checkout, but does not mention the 2 unresolved claims - check the item in - Koha gives a return-claim dialog alert with links to Patron A and Patron B We should give the same alert at checkout, since that's the moment at which Koha first knows this item has been found.