Bug 31470 - Incorrect selector for relationship dropdown used in members.js
Summary: Incorrect selector for relationship dropdown used in members.js
Status: Pushed to stable
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Templates (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All All
: P5 - low minor
Assignee: Emmi Takkinen
QA Contact: Lucas Gass (lukeg)
Depends on: 37528 37892
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Reported: 2022-08-26 12:37 UTC by Emmi Takkinen
Modified: 2025-02-04 01:47 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Change sponsored?: ---
Patch complexity: Small patch
Documentation contact:
Documentation submission:
Text to go in the release notes:
This fixes the patron entry and edit form (memberentrygen.tt) to add a missing id "relationship" to the patron guarantor relationship dropdown list field (so this can be used as a selector in IntranetUserJS). It also fixes an issue when adding a patron guarantor to a patron that already has a non-patron guarantor - this would incorrectly set the non-patron guarantor relationship field to empty.
Version(s) released in:
Circulation function:

Use class "relationship" instead of id "relationship" in members.js (1.53 KB, patch)
2022-08-26 12:44 UTC, Emmi Takkinen
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Bug 31470: Use class "relationship" instead of id "relationship" in members.js (2.42 KB, patch)
2022-08-29 08:04 UTC, Emmi Takkinen
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Bug 31470: Add id "relationship" to memberentrygen.tt, change id "relationship" in auth-finder-search.inc (4.29 KB, patch)
2022-12-14 10:16 UTC, Emmi Takkinen
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Bug 31470: Add id "relationship" to memberentrygen.tt, change id "relationship" in auth-finder-search.inc (4.33 KB, patch)
2024-06-05 09:20 UTC, Emmi Takkinen
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Bug 31470: Do not change relationship value when adding a patron guarantor (3.07 KB, patch)
2024-06-05 09:20 UTC, Emmi Takkinen
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Bug 31470: Add id "relationship" to memberentrygen.tt, change id "relationship" in auth-finder-search.inc (4.40 KB, patch)
2024-06-18 13:18 UTC, Owen Leonard
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Bug 31470: Do not change relationship value when adding a patron guarantor (3.11 KB, patch)
2024-06-18 13:18 UTC, Owen Leonard
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Bug 31470: Add id "relationship" to memberentrygen.tt, change id "relationship" in auth-finder-search.inc (4.46 KB, patch)
2024-09-24 16:09 UTC, Lucas Gass (lukeg)
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Bug 31470: Do not change relationship value when adding a patron guarantor (3.17 KB, patch)
2024-09-24 16:09 UTC, Lucas Gass (lukeg)
Details | Diff | Splinter Review

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Emmi Takkinen 2022-08-26 12:37:30 UTC
In members.js line 112 variable guarantor_relationship is selected with id "relationship". Correct selector should however be class "relationship" since id "relationship" is used in auth-finder-search.inc, not in memberentry.pl.
Comment 1 Emmi Takkinen 2022-08-26 12:44:13 UTC
Created attachment 139826 [details] [review]
Use class "relationship" instead of id "relationship" in members.js

In members.js line 112 variable guarantor_relationship is selected with
id "relationship". Correct selector should however be class
"relationship" since id "relationship" is used in auth-finder-search.inc,
not in memberentry.pl.

Sponsored-by: Koha-Suomi Oy
Comment 2 Katrin Fischer 2022-08-28 15:18:02 UTC
Hi Emmi, could you please add a test plan?
Comment 3 Emmi Takkinen 2022-08-29 08:04:32 UTC
Created attachment 139939 [details] [review]
Bug 31470: Use class "relationship" instead of id "relationship" in members.js

In members.js line 112 variable guarantor_relationship is selected with
id "relationship". Correct selector should however be class
"relationship" since id "relationship" is used in auth-finder-search.inc,
not in memberentry.pl.

One way to see what kind of effect incorrect selector has (and how I
originally stumbled into this), is to add into "IntranetUserJS" a line
which changes non-patron guarantors relationship default selected value as
other than empty. We use script to change "relationship" instead of
"new_guarantor_relationship" because selector input for patron guarantors
relationship actually uses default selected value from non-patron guarantors

To test:
1. Make sure you have some value(s) in syspref "borrowerRelationship" e.g. "guarantor".
2. Add following line to "IntranetUseJS": $('.relationship option:eq(1)').attr('selected', 'selected');
3. Add guarantee patron and note that non-patron guarantors relationship is now "guarantor".
4. Add patron guarantor and note that relationship value is empty.
5. Apply this patch and refresh page.
6. Repeat step 4.
=> Note that now relationship value is "guarantor".

Sponsored-by: Koha-Suomi O
Comment 4 Lucas Gass (lukeg) 2022-09-01 22:23:09 UTC
This highlights another problem. If relationship is going to a class in memberentry.pl then something must be done about its label:

<label for="relationship">Relationship: </label>

The value of the for attribute of the label element must be the ID, not a class.
Comment 5 Emmi Takkinen 2022-09-02 07:20:04 UTC
(In reply to Lucas Gass from comment #4)
> This highlights another problem. If relationship is going to a class in
> memberentry.pl then something must be done about its label:
> <label for="relationship">Relationship: </label>
> The value of the for attribute of the label element must be the ID, not a
> class.

Hmm, you're right. So either we change ID from auth-finder-search.inc as something like "special_relationship" to avoid conflicts and change relationship in memberentry from class to ID. Or we add new ID to memberentry (e.g. non_patron_relationship). Latter is probably preferable solution. And we could use that ID in members.js instead of class relationship (which at hindsight could cause problems in future). 

And looking at this more closely, we have this same problem with other label as well:

<label for="guarantor_relationship">Relationship: </label>
<select class="new_guarantor_relationship" name="new_guarantor_relationship">
Comment 6 Lucas Gass (lukeg) 2022-09-02 14:05:20 UTC

In this bug should we change the ID in auth-finder-search.inc. Then we can file a new bug to deal with the label problems in memberentry.pl?
Comment 7 Emmi Takkinen 2022-12-14 10:16:04 UTC
Created attachment 144570 [details] [review]
Bug 31470: Add id "relationship" to memberentrygen.tt, change id "relationship" in auth-finder-search.inc

In members.js line 112 variable guarantor_relationship is selected
with id "relationship". However id "relationship" is used in
auth-finder-search.inc, not in memberentrygen.tt.

One way to see what kind of effect incorrect selector has (and how I
originally stumbled into this), is to add into "IntranetUserJS" a line
which changes non-patron guarantors relationship default selected value as
other than empty. Script has to change "relationship" instead of
"new_guarantor_relationship" because selector input for patron guarantors
relationship actually uses default selected value from non-patron guarantors

This patch changes two things. Firstly it adds id "relationship" to
memberentrygen.tt so that member.js can fetch correct value
to variable guarantor_relatioship. Secondly it changes id "relationship"
in auth-finder-search.tt as "special_relationship" to avoid confusion.

To test memberentrygen.tt:
1. Make sure you have some value(s) in syspref "borrowerRelationship" e.g. "guarantor".
2. Add following line to "IntranetUseJS": $('.relationship option:eq(1)').attr('selected', 'selected');
3. Add guarantee patron and note that non-patron guarantors relationship is now "guarantor".
4. Add patron guarantor and note that relationship value is empty.
5. Apply this patch and refresh page.
6. Repeat step 4.
=> Note that now relationship value is "guarantor".

To test auth-finder-search.inc:
1. Add authority e.g. Chronological Term
2. Modify field 551$a, click "Tag editor" icon from right
3. Searc pop-up is opened.
=> Make sure that field "Special relationship" is highlighted
when you hover mouse over label.
=> Make sure that after performing a search, search value in
"Special relationship" field persists.

Sponsored-by: Koha-Suomi Oy
Comment 8 Emmi Takkinen 2022-12-14 10:20:52 UTC
Made changes based on Lucas's comments.
Comment 9 Laura Escamilla 2023-02-08 13:47:39 UTC
(In reply to Emmi Takkinen from comment #7)
> Created attachment 144570 [details] [review] [review]
> Bug 31470: Add id "relationship" to memberentrygen.tt, change id
> "relationship" in auth-finder-search.inc
> In members.js line 112 variable guarantor_relationship is selected
> with id "relationship". However id "relationship" is used in
> auth-finder-search.inc, not in memberentrygen.tt.
> One way to see what kind of effect incorrect selector has (and how I
> originally stumbled into this), is to add into "IntranetUserJS" a line
> which changes non-patron guarantors relationship default selected value as
> other than empty. Script has to change "relationship" instead of
> "new_guarantor_relationship" because selector input for patron guarantors
> relationship actually uses default selected value from non-patron guarantors
> relationship.
> This patch changes two things. Firstly it adds id "relationship" to
> memberentrygen.tt so that member.js can fetch correct value
> to variable guarantor_relatioship. Secondly it changes id "relationship"
> in auth-finder-search.tt as "special_relationship" to avoid confusion.
> To test memberentrygen.tt:
> 1. Make sure you have some value(s) in syspref "borrowerRelationship" e.g.
> "guarantor".
> 2. Add following line to "IntranetUseJS": $('.relationship
> option:eq(1)').attr('selected', 'selected');
> 3. Add guarantee patron and note that non-patron guarantors relationship is
> now "guarantor".
> 4. Add patron guarantor and note that relationship value is empty.
> 5. Apply this patch and refresh page.
> 6. Repeat step 4.
> => Note that now relationship value is "guarantor".
> To test auth-finder-search.inc:
> 1. Add authority e.g. Chronological Term
> 2. Modify field 551$a, click "Tag editor" icon from right
> 3. Searc pop-up is opened.
> => Make sure that field "Special relationship" is highlighted
> when you hover mouse over label.
> => Make sure that after performing a search, search value in
> "Special relationship" field persists.
> Sponsored-by: Koha-Suomi Oy

Signed-off-by: Laura Escamilla <laura.escamilla@bywatersolutions.com>
Comment 10 Jonathan Druart 2023-02-23 14:20:53 UTC
102         var guarantor_surname = $('#guarantor_surname').val();
103         fieldset.find('.new_guarantor_surname').first().val( guarantor_surname );
104         fieldset.find('.new_guarantor_surname_text').first().text( guarantor_surname );
105         $('#guarantor_surname').val("");
107         var guarantor_firstname = $('#guarantor_firstname').val();
108         fieldset.find('.new_guarantor_firstname').first().val( guarantor_firstname );
109         fieldset.find('.new_guarantor_firstname_text').first().text( guarantor_firstname );
110         $('#guarantor_firstname').val("");
112         var guarantor_relationship = $('#relationship').val();
113         fieldset.find('.new_guarantor_relationship').first().val( guarantor_relationship );
114         $('#relationship').find('option:eq(0)').prop('selected', true);

This code is not clear to me, what are we trying to do?
Is it really want we want?

In my test I see an inconsistency:
Edit a patron, fill "Non-patron guarantor" input and select
Add guarantor, select an user
=> surname and firstname inputs are kept, but select is emptied
Comment 11 Emmi Takkinen 2023-08-23 07:50:56 UTC
(In reply to Jonathan Druart from comment #10)
> 102         var guarantor_surname = $('#guarantor_surname').val();
> 103         fieldset.find('.new_guarantor_surname').first().val(
> guarantor_surname );
> 104         fieldset.find('.new_guarantor_surname_text').first().text(
> guarantor_surname );
> 105         $('#guarantor_surname').val("");
> 106 
> 107         var guarantor_firstname = $('#guarantor_firstname').val();
> 108         fieldset.find('.new_guarantor_firstname').first().val(
> guarantor_firstname );
> 109         fieldset.find('.new_guarantor_firstname_text').first().text(
> guarantor_firstname );
> 110         $('#guarantor_firstname').val("");
> 111 
> 112         var guarantor_relationship = $('#relationship').val();
> 113         fieldset.find('.new_guarantor_relationship').first().val(
> guarantor_relationship );
> 114         $('#relationship').find('option:eq(0)').prop('selected', true);
> This code is not clear to me, what are we trying to do?
> Is it really want we want?
Those guarantor_surname and guarantor_firstname blocks set guarantors name to the form. Not sure what that guarantor_relationship is supposed to do, probably same thing if guarantor already exists (tested this it doesn't, no idea what it does).

> In my test I see an inconsistency:
> Edit a patron, fill "Non-patron guarantor" input and select
> Add guarantor, select an user
> => surname and firstname inputs are kept, but select is emptied
Weird. And to add more weirdness to this, if I comment out that guarantor_relationship mentioned above, relationship remains in non-patron guarantor field set but disappears from patron guarantor :D
Comment 12 Emmi Takkinen 2023-08-23 09:53:44 UTC
It's line 114 in members.js that sets non-patron relationship empty when patron guarantor is added.

$('#relationship').find('option:eq(0)').prop('selected', true);

It was added in bug 14570, maybe it is a fix for "There's no way to set the relationship". But since there hasn't actually been id "relationship" it hasn't done anything.
Comment 13 Emmi Takkinen 2024-06-05 09:20:23 UTC
Created attachment 167432 [details] [review]
Bug 31470: Add id "relationship" to memberentrygen.tt, change id "relationship" in auth-finder-search.inc

In members.js line 112 variable guarantor_relationship is selected
with id "relationship". However id "relationship" is used in
auth-finder-search.inc, not in memberentrygen.tt.

One way to see what kind of effect incorrect selector has (and how I
originally stumbled into this), is to add into "IntranetUserJS" a line
which changes non-patron guarantors relationship default selected value as
other than empty. Script has to change "relationship" instead of
"new_guarantor_relationship" because selector input for patron guarantors
relationship actually uses default selected value from non-patron guarantors

This patch changes two things. Firstly it adds id "relationship" to
memberentrygen.tt so that member.js can fetch correct value
to variable guarantor_relatioship. Secondly it changes id "relationship"
in auth-finder-search.tt as "special_relationship" to avoid confusion.

To test memberentrygen.tt:
1. Make sure you have some value(s) in syspref "borrowerRelationship" e.g. "guarantor".
2. Add following line to "IntranetUseJS": $('.relationship option:eq(1)').attr('selected', 'selected');
3. Add guarantee patron and note that non-patron guarantors relationship is now "guarantor".
4. Add patron guarantor and note that relationship value is empty.
5. Apply this patch and refresh page.
6. Repeat step 4.
=> Note that now relationship value is "guarantor".

To test auth-finder-search.inc:
1. Add authority e.g. Chronological Term
2. Modify field 551$a, click "Tag editor" icon from right
3. Searc pop-up is opened.
=> Make sure that field "Special relationship" is highlighted
when you hover mouse over label.
=> Make sure that after performing a search, search value in
"Special relationship" field persists.

Sponsored-by: Koha-Suomi Oy
Comment 14 Emmi Takkinen 2024-06-05 09:20:56 UTC
Created attachment 167433 [details] [review]
Bug 31470: Do not change relationship value when adding a patron guarantor

Adding new id "relationship" led to unexpected behaviour
in relationship handling. If one edits patron with
non-patron guarantor and added patron guarantor, non-patron
guarantors relatioship field was set as empty value which is
first option on select field. This patch removes code which
sets relationship select field to use first value of option
automatically when patron guarantor is added.

Also thi patch add missing id to mandatory relatioship field.

To test:
1. Add or edit patron.
2. Add non-patron guarantor for patron and select some value
as their relationship.
3. Then add a patron guarantor.
=> Note that non-patron guarantors relationship is empty.
4. Apply this patch.
5. Repeat steps 1 to 3.
=> Relationship shouldn't change.

Sponsored-by: Koha-Suomi Oy
Comment 15 Owen Leonard 2024-06-18 13:18:12 UTC
Created attachment 167842 [details] [review]
Bug 31470: Add id "relationship" to memberentrygen.tt, change id "relationship" in auth-finder-search.inc

In members.js line 112 variable guarantor_relationship is selected
with id "relationship". However id "relationship" is used in
auth-finder-search.inc, not in memberentrygen.tt.

One way to see what kind of effect incorrect selector has (and how I
originally stumbled into this), is to add into "IntranetUserJS" a line
which changes non-patron guarantors relationship default selected value
as other than empty. Script has to change "relationship" instead of
"new_guarantor_relationship" because selector input for patron
guarantors relationship actually uses default selected value from
non-patron guarantors relationship.

This patch changes two things. Firstly it adds id "relationship" to
memberentrygen.tt so that member.js can fetch correct value
to variable guarantor_relatioship. Secondly it changes id "relationship"
in auth-finder-search.tt as "special_relationship" to avoid confusion.

To test memberentrygen.tt:
1. Make sure you have some value(s) in syspref "borrowerRelationship"
   e.g. "guarantor".
2. Add following line to "IntranetUseJS": $('.relationship
   option:eq(1)').attr('selected', 'selected');
3. Add guarantee patron and note that non-patron guarantors relationship
   is now "guarantor".
4. Add patron guarantor and note that relationship value is empty.
5. Apply this patch and refresh page.
6. Repeat step 4.
   => Note that now relationship value is "guarantor".

To test auth-finder-search.inc:
1. Add authority e.g. Chronological Term
2. Modify field 551$a, click "Tag editor" icon from right
3. Searc pop-up is opened.
   => Make sure that field "Special relationship" is highlighted when
      you hover mouse over label.
   => Make sure that after performing a search, search value in
      "Special relationship" field persists.

Sponsored-by: Koha-Suomi Oy
Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <oleonard@myacpl.org>
Comment 16 Owen Leonard 2024-06-18 13:18:14 UTC
Created attachment 167843 [details] [review]
Bug 31470: Do not change relationship value when adding a patron guarantor

Adding new id "relationship" led to unexpected behaviour
in relationship handling. If one edits patron with
non-patron guarantor and added patron guarantor, non-patron
guarantors relatioship field was set as empty value which is
first option on select field. This patch removes code which
sets relationship select field to use first value of option
automatically when patron guarantor is added.

Also thi patch add missing id to mandatory relatioship field.

To test:
1. Add or edit patron.
2. Add non-patron guarantor for patron and select some value
as their relationship.
3. Then add a patron guarantor.
=> Note that non-patron guarantors relationship is empty.
4. Apply this patch.
5. Repeat steps 1 to 3.
=> Relationship shouldn't change.

Sponsored-by: Koha-Suomi Oy
Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <oleonard@myacpl.org>
Comment 17 Lucas Gass (lukeg) 2024-09-24 16:09:12 UTC
Created attachment 171946 [details] [review]
Bug 31470: Add id "relationship" to memberentrygen.tt, change id "relationship" in auth-finder-search.inc

In members.js line 112 variable guarantor_relationship is selected
with id "relationship". However id "relationship" is used in
auth-finder-search.inc, not in memberentrygen.tt.

One way to see what kind of effect incorrect selector has (and how I
originally stumbled into this), is to add into "IntranetUserJS" a line
which changes non-patron guarantors relationship default selected value
as other than empty. Script has to change "relationship" instead of
"new_guarantor_relationship" because selector input for patron
guarantors relationship actually uses default selected value from
non-patron guarantors relationship.

This patch changes two things. Firstly it adds id "relationship" to
memberentrygen.tt so that member.js can fetch correct value
to variable guarantor_relatioship. Secondly it changes id "relationship"
in auth-finder-search.tt as "special_relationship" to avoid confusion.

To test memberentrygen.tt:
1. Make sure you have some value(s) in syspref "borrowerRelationship"
   e.g. "guarantor".
2. Add following line to "IntranetUseJS": $('.relationship
   option:eq(1)').attr('selected', 'selected');
3. Add guarantee patron and note that non-patron guarantors relationship
   is now "guarantor".
4. Add patron guarantor and note that relationship value is empty.
5. Apply this patch and refresh page.
6. Repeat step 4.
   => Note that now relationship value is "guarantor".

To test auth-finder-search.inc:
1. Add authority e.g. Chronological Term
2. Modify field 551$a, click "Tag editor" icon from right
3. Searc pop-up is opened.
   => Make sure that field "Special relationship" is highlighted when
      you hover mouse over label.
   => Make sure that after performing a search, search value in
      "Special relationship" field persists.

Sponsored-by: Koha-Suomi Oy
Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <oleonard@myacpl.org>
Signed-off-by: Lucas Gass <lucas@bywatersolutions.com>
Comment 18 Lucas Gass (lukeg) 2024-09-24 16:09:15 UTC
Created attachment 171947 [details] [review]
Bug 31470: Do not change relationship value when adding a patron guarantor

Adding new id "relationship" led to unexpected behaviour
in relationship handling. If one edits patron with
non-patron guarantor and added patron guarantor, non-patron
guarantors relatioship field was set as empty value which is
first option on select field. This patch removes code which
sets relationship select field to use first value of option
automatically when patron guarantor is added.

Also thi patch add missing id to mandatory relatioship field.

To test:
1. Add or edit patron.
2. Add non-patron guarantor for patron and select some value
as their relationship.
3. Then add a patron guarantor.
=> Note that non-patron guarantors relationship is empty.
4. Apply this patch.
5. Repeat steps 1 to 3.
=> Relationship shouldn't change.

Sponsored-by: Koha-Suomi Oy
Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <oleonard@myacpl.org>
Signed-off-by: Lucas Gass <lucas@bywatersolutions.com>
Comment 19 Katrin Fischer 2024-10-18 12:54:07 UTC
I pushed some other relationship related patches today, so I tried to double check especially carefully here.

I notice that we still have this line:

koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/js/members.js:        var guarantor_relationship = $('#relationship').val();

But you rename the id to special_relationship and I couldn't spot an id with relationship any more in my search. Can you please double check?
Comment 20 Emmi Takkinen 2024-12-04 08:06:38 UTC
(In reply to Katrin Fischer from comment #19)
> I pushed some other relationship related patches today, so I tried to double
> check especially carefully here.
> I notice that we still have this line:
> koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/js/members.js:        var
> guarantor_relationship = $('#relationship').val();
> But you rename the id to special_relationship and I couldn't spot an id with
> relationship any more in my search. Can you please double check?

There is an id "relationship" in memberentrygen.tt. It was added in these patches. Id "special_character" is used auth-finder-search.inc.
Comment 21 Katrin Fischer 2024-12-04 08:07:58 UTC
(In reply to Emmi Takkinen from comment #20)
> (In reply to Katrin Fischer from comment #19)
> > I pushed some other relationship related patches today, so I tried to double
> > check especially carefully here.
> > 
> > I notice that we still have this line:
> > 
> > koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/js/members.js:        var
> > guarantor_relationship = $('#relationship').val();
> > 
> > But you rename the id to special_relationship and I couldn't spot an id with
> > relationship any more in my search. Can you please double check?
> There is an id "relationship" in memberentrygen.tt. It was added in these
> patches. Id "special_character" is used auth-finder-search.inc.

Thanks Emmi, I have missed that, but better safe than sorry :)
Comment 22 Katrin Fischer 2024-12-04 15:33:21 UTC
Pushed for 25.05!

Well done everyone, thank you!
Comment 23 Paul Derscheid 2024-12-09 15:56:04 UTC
Nice work everyone!

Pushed to 24.11.x for 24.11.01
Comment 24 David Nind 2024-12-29 02:35:16 UTC
Could you please add a release note?

I tried to get my head around this - what the problem is and how it is fixed (not technically, but what the effect is), but I think I need more coffee!
Comment 25 Emmi Takkinen 2025-01-20 06:41:10 UTC
I added release notes but I'm unsure if it's clear enough :D Feel free to modify it if needed :)
Comment 26 David Nind 2025-02-04 01:47:42 UTC
(In reply to Emmi Takkinen from comment #25)
> I added release notes but I'm unsure if it's clear enough :D Feel free to
> modify it if needed :)

Rhanks Emmi!