At the moment resolved (filled, cancelled) ILL requests cannot be deleted from the staff interface. It would be nice if there was a way to delete them after X days. The status could default to COMP for starters, but we might want to make it configurable in a next step.
The backend may let the deletion of the request in whatever status, can it not? Regardless, this bug is about adding the possibility of cleaning up "resolved" requests from the database. I think we need to first set what a "resolved" request is. Is it "COMP", "CANCREQ", both, something else? Perhaps have a default definition of what a "resolved" request is, and add an argument to the script for custom "resolved" status conditions (this would also enable setting statuses that are backend specific, something we have no way of knowing from core alone).
Could config be based on a system preference where each library could put in the statuses they wanted cleaned up and the number of days to keep them before clearing them out?