If any patron extended attributes are defined that are mandatory and not opac-editable (such as Address Verified: Yes / No) patron self-registration will always return a 500 error because the mandatory attribute is not / can not be supplied. Avoiding this by limiting mandatory attributes to a specific patron category fails as soon as you want to apply an attribute to 2 or more categories.
Still valid in master ( To recreate: 0. PatronSelfRegistration is enabled by default, but if it's not on your system, turn it on 1. Create a mandatory patron attribute type 1.1. Go to Administration > Patron attribute types 1.2. Click New patron attribute type 1.3. Fill out the form as follows: - Patron attribute type code: Enter a code (e.g. BZ34295) - Description: Enter a description (e.g. Bug 34295) - Mandatory: check 1.4. Click Save 2. Try to register online 2.1. Go to the OPAC (log out if necessary) 2.2. Click Register here 2.3. Fill out the form --> The attribute should not be visible 2.4. Click Submit --> Error
Is this the same situation as in bug 38005?