Bug 34404 - Inconsistencies in Budgets and funds page titles, breadcrumbs, and header
Summary: Inconsistencies in Budgets and funds page titles, breadcrumbs, and header
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Templates (show other bugs)
Version: Main
Hardware: All All
: P5 - low trivial
Assignee: Owen Leonard
QA Contact: Katrin Fischer
Keywords: Sandbox
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Blocks: 34396 36885
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Reported: 2023-07-25 20:40 UTC by Caroline Cyr La Rose
Modified: 2024-12-23 08:06 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Change sponsored?: ---
Patch complexity: Small patch
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Bug 34404: Fix inconsistencies in Budgets and funds page titles, breadcrumbs, and headers (23.28 KB, patch)
2023-10-05 16:26 UTC, Owen Leonard
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Bug 34404: Fix inconsistencies in Budgets and funds page titles, breadcrumbs, and headers (23.33 KB, patch)
2023-11-05 18:47 UTC, David Nind
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Bug 34404: Fix inconsistencies in Budgets and funds page titles, breadcrumbs, and headers (23.39 KB, patch)
2023-11-06 20:07 UTC, Katrin Fischer
Details | Diff | Splinter Review

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Description Caroline Cyr La Rose 2023-07-25 20:40:30 UTC
While testing bug 33909, I had to look at all the pages in the administration module. In doing so, I found some inconsistencies between the various pages. 

For the Budgets and funds pages, here is what should be changed to make it consistent with the other pages in the module:

Page title
- Change 'Add budget' to 'New budget'
- Add single quotes around budget name in Modify X
- Add single quotes around budget name in Close X
- Add single quotes around budget name in Budget closed
- Add 'Budgets' level to 'Funds' pages? In the breadcrumbs, Funds are under Budgets, but not in the title
- Add fund instead of New fund (I think this might be OK since we add a fund to a budget?)
- Maybe add the budget name to Add fund? (Add fund to budgetname)?
- Add level for when deleting a fund ("Confirm deletion of fund 'code'" or "Confirm deletion of fund 'name' (code)")
- Change "Delete budget 'name'?" to "Confirm deletion of budget 'name'"
- Add single quotes around budget name when planning

- Remove 'administration' from last level ('Budgets administration' => 'Budgets')
- Change 'Add budget' to 'New budget'
- Add single quotes around budget name in Close X
- Add single quotes around budget name in Budget closed
- Add fund instead of New fund (I think this might be OK since we add a fund to a budget?)
- Maybe add the budget name to Add fund? (Add fund to budgetname)?
- Change "Delete fund?" to "Confirm deletion of fund 'code'" or "Confirm deletion of fund 'name' (code)"
- Change "Delete budget 'name'?" to "Confirm deletion of budget 'name'"
- Add single quotes around budget name when planning
- Add planning type

Page header
- Remove 'administration' ('Budgets administration' => 'Budgets')
- Change 'Add budget' to 'New budget'
- In Modify X, the budget name is in italics, it should be regular and in single quotes
- Add single quotes around budget name in Close X
- Add single quotes around budget name in Budget closed
- When modifying an existing fund, the styling of the header is different
- Add fund instead of New fund (I think this might be OK since we add a fund to a budget?)
- Styling of the header for Add fund is different
- Change "Delete fund name?" to "Confirm deletion of fund 'name' (code)"
- Change "Delete budget 'name'?" to "Confirm deletion of budget 'name'"
- Add single quotes around budget name when planning
Comment 1 Owen Leonard 2023-10-05 16:26:55 UTC
Created attachment 156573 [details] [review]
Bug 34404: Fix inconsistencies in Budgets and funds page titles, breadcrumbs, and headers

This patch fixes some inconsistencies in the budget and fund
administration templates, making sure the page title, breadcrumb
navigation, and page headers are consistent with each other.

Other changes: Bootstrap tooltips have been enabled in a few places
where the markup showed intent for the tooltips to be active but where
the JS was not being initiated.

Some translation imrovements have been added where budget planning
strings could be improved with context:

 '<span>by months</span>' ->
 '[% tp("Budget planning", "by months") | html %]'

To test, apply the patch and go to Administration -> Budgets. Test each
of these cases:

- Budgets list
  - New budget
  - Edit budget
  - Duplicate budget
  - Close budget
    - Close a budget with and without unreceived orders.
  - Delete budget
    - Test the delete button on a budget which has funds attached to
      confirm that the menu item is disabled and a tooltip shows with an
    - Delete a budget which has no funds attached.
  - Add fund
    - Test the add fund button on a budget which is locked. The menu
      item should be disabled and it should show a tooltip, "Budget is
    - Test the add fund page for a budget which is not locked.
  - Click the name of a budget with funds attached to see the funds view
    - In this view, if the budget is locked, the "New" toolbar menu
      should have a disabled "New fund" item with a Bootstrap tooltip.
  - While viewing the funds on a budget, test the "Planning" button to
    confirm that the view of each planning type.
Comment 2 David Nind 2023-11-05 18:47:13 UTC
Created attachment 158475 [details] [review]
Bug 34404: Fix inconsistencies in Budgets and funds page titles, breadcrumbs, and headers

This patch fixes some inconsistencies in the budget and fund
administration templates, making sure the page title, breadcrumb
navigation, and page headers are consistent with each other.

Other changes: Bootstrap tooltips have been enabled in a few places
where the markup showed intent for the tooltips to be active but where
the JS was not being initiated.

Some translation imrovements have been added where budget planning
strings could be improved with context:

 '<span>by months</span>' ->
 '[% tp("Budget planning", "by months") | html %]'

To test, apply the patch and go to Administration -> Budgets. Test each
of these cases:

- Budgets list
  - New budget
  - Edit budget
  - Duplicate budget
  - Close budget
    - Close a budget with and without unreceived orders.
  - Delete budget
    - Test the delete button on a budget which has funds attached to
      confirm that the menu item is disabled and a tooltip shows with an
    - Delete a budget which has no funds attached.
  - Add fund
    - Test the add fund button on a budget which is locked. The menu
      item should be disabled and it should show a tooltip, "Budget is
    - Test the add fund page for a budget which is not locked.
  - Click the name of a budget with funds attached to see the funds view
    - In this view, if the budget is locked, the "New" toolbar menu
      should have a disabled "New fund" item with a Bootstrap tooltip.
  - While viewing the funds on a budget, test the "Planning" button to
    confirm that the view of each planning type.

Signed-off-by: David Nind <david@davidnind.com>
Comment 3 Katrin Fischer 2023-11-06 20:07:04 UTC
Created attachment 158559 [details] [review]
Bug 34404: Fix inconsistencies in Budgets and funds page titles, breadcrumbs, and headers

This patch fixes some inconsistencies in the budget and fund
administration templates, making sure the page title, breadcrumb
navigation, and page headers are consistent with each other.

Other changes: Bootstrap tooltips have been enabled in a few places
where the markup showed intent for the tooltips to be active but where
the JS was not being initiated.

Some translation imrovements have been added where budget planning
strings could be improved with context:

 '<span>by months</span>' ->
 '[% tp("Budget planning", "by months") | html %]'

To test, apply the patch and go to Administration -> Budgets. Test each
of these cases:

- Budgets list
  - New budget
  - Edit budget
  - Duplicate budget
  - Close budget
    - Close a budget with and without unreceived orders.
  - Delete budget
    - Test the delete button on a budget which has funds attached to
      confirm that the menu item is disabled and a tooltip shows with an
    - Delete a budget which has no funds attached.
  - Add fund
    - Test the add fund button on a budget which is locked. The menu
      item should be disabled and it should show a tooltip, "Budget is
    - Test the add fund page for a budget which is not locked.
  - Click the name of a budget with funds attached to see the funds view
    - In this view, if the budget is locked, the "New" toolbar menu
      should have a disabled "New fund" item with a Bootstrap tooltip.
  - While viewing the funds on a budget, test the "Planning" button to
    confirm that the view of each planning type.

Signed-off-by: David Nind <david@davidnind.com>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer.83@web.de>
Comment 4 Tomás Cohen Arazi (tcohen) 2023-11-08 13:00:01 UTC
Pushed to master for 23.11.

Nice work everyone, thanks!
Comment 5 Fridolin Somers 2023-11-10 08:00:35 UTC
Not pushed to 23.05.x