When placing multiple holds, DefaultHoldPickupLocation doesn't select a default library (probably since items can have different home or holding libraries). But in installations where there is only one library, it adds an unnecessary step to select a pickup library. To recreate: 0. If you have more than one library, you need to move the items and patrons to one library and delete the others. For example, in KTD ktd --dbshell update borrowers set branchcode = 'CPL'; update items set homebranch = 'CPL', holdingbranch = 'CPL'; Then go to Administration > Libraries and delete all the libraries except Centerville. 1. In the staff interface, search the catalog with a term that will return a couple of items (e.g. Shakespeare) 2. In the search results, select two or more results 3. Click Place hold 4. Search for a patron (e.g. Acevedo) --> "Pickup at" and "Pickup location" are empty and the staff member must select the library These fields should default to the single library.