In the 'Add user' pop-up modal, the column headings in the results are missing. To get there (with ktd data): 1. Go to Acquisitions 2. Click 'Search' to find 'My vendor' 3. Click 'My basket' 4. Click 'Add to basket' 5. Click 'From a new (empty) record' 6. Click 'Add user' 7. Search for 'alford' (for example) --> Note that there aren't any column headings in the results Compare with: 1. Go to Tools > Patron card creator 2. Click 'New' > 'Card batch' 3. Click 'Add patron(s)' 4. Search for 'alford' (for example) --> Note that there are column headings in this pop-up I get that they are different modals (Add user vs Add patrons), but I just wanted to highlight the column headings. I found this while documenting Bug 35329, but I'm not sure if it's related directly to that one.