To recreate: FinesMode on, have an item with a materials specified note (952$3). Check in item with 'forgive overdue charge' selected, no materials note, box stays checked. Materials note checkin deselects the box. There have been similar issues with things deselecting a check in box (wrong transfer, bug 36199), and I know materials specified notes can interact with things like since-fixed bug 29671 (materials note items deselecting book drop mode), or current bug 37424 (batch checkout silently failing with materials notes)
I cannot reproduce this in current main.
One extra step to recreate in main is to make sure `CircConfirmItemParts` is on.
Created attachment 174283 [details] [review] Bug 38232: Pass exemptfine value into circ-needsconfirmation-modal form To test: 1. FinesMode on 2. CircConfirmItemParts on 3. have an item with a materials specified note (952$3) 4. Check in item with 'forgive overdue charge' selected, no materials note, box stays checked. 5. Check in item with 'forgive overdue charge' selected, with a material note, Materials note checkin deselects the box. 6. APPLY PATCH 7. Try steps 4-5 again, the correct value should be retained in the 'forgive overdue charge' checkbox.