Text to go in the release notes:
This enhancement adds CSS classes to each field on the record's item page. This makes it easier to customize the page, for example, hiding the "Paid for?" field.
Field name: class name
Record information:
- Biblionumber: biblionumber
- Item type: itemtype
- Rental charge: rentalcharge
- Daily rental charge: rentlcharge_daily
- Hourly rental charge: rentalcharge_hourly
- ISBN: isbn
- Publication details: publication_details
- Volume: volume
- Physical details: physical_details
- Notes: biblio_note
- No. of items: item_count
Item information:
- Home library: homebranch
- Item type: itype
- Collection: ccode
- Item call number: itemcallnumber
- Copy number: copynumber
- Shelving location: location
- Replacement price: replacementprice
- Materials specified: materials
- Current library: holdingbranch
- Current renewals: renewals_count
- Lost status: lost
- Damaged status: damaged
- Withdrawn status: withdrawn
- Exclude from local holds priority: local_holds_priority
- Bookable: bookable
- Order date: order_info
- Accession date: dateaccessioned
- Invoice number: invoice
- Total checkouts: issues
- Last seen: datelastseen
- Last borrowed: datelastborrowed
- Last borrower: previous_borrowers
- Paid for?: paidfor
- Serial enumeration: enumchron
- Public note: itemnotes
- Non-public note: itemnotes_nonpublic