The current calendar widget gets passed a TMPL variable, <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="DHTMLcalendar_dateformat" -->, with the correct dateformat according to Koha's system preference. We can do the same with the jQueryUI widget, but the variable contents must be different. The current widget looks for a string like: %m/%d/%Y The jQueryUI widget wants something like: m/d/Y
Owen, on bug 7182, you say: "In fact my work on Bug 5481 has already done all the work to replace the current calendar widget with the jQueryUI one." And bug 5481 is related to "replace YUI lib by Jquery lib" + the 5481 does not have a "needs signoff" status of any kind of a patch attached (i've seen the comment 1 of bug 5481 "I have a git branch available with my progress". Could you give some details ? Is there something ready to test & validate & push ? where ? thx JQueryUI still does not have a replacement for YUI menus and menu-buttons, so it's not possible to eliminate YUI yet.