When creating a template for check in and check out notices the list of fields offered includes: ---OPAC_NEWS--- <<opac_news.idnew>> <<opac_news.title>> <<opac_news.new>> <<opac_news.lang>> <<opac_news.expirationdate>> <<opac_news.number>> I added news unser tools > news for: - OPAC (en) - OPAC (DE-de) - Slips For testing I created a check out and check in notice that included: OPAC NEWS idnew <<opac_news.idnew>> title <<opac_news.title>> new <<opac_news.new>> lang <<opac_news.lang>> expirationdate <<opac_news.expirationdate>> number <<opac_news.number>> None of the news made it into my generated notices. I am not sure if the content should display or if we need to remove the OPAC_NEWS fields from the notices tool, because it's not intended to use them on those notices.
Looking at the code, I would say it only works for letter_code == ISSUESLIP
I am switching to an enhancement request :)
+1 for this enhancement! Would be good to add news to pre-due, due, and all the rest. I use checkout email for testing new layout & options, and I had tried this and found it not working April 2017.
+1 for this enhancement. It would be great if anything that could go to a patron could have the news on it: CHECKIN CHECKOUT DUE DUEDGST FinesPaidToday ISSUEQSLIP PREDUE PREDUEDGST ACCTDETAILS HOLD ODUE This way e-mailed or printed notices could all have news. Lisette Scheer