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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
38664 2 0 Architecture, internals, and plumbing enhancement P5 - low --- Tidy the whole codebase
38285 2 0 Templates minor P5 - low --- Replace instances of obsolete Bootstrap class "pull-right"
37763 2 0 Reports minor P5 - low --- 'Update and run SQL' appends the editor screen after the report results
37745 2 0 Reports normal P5 - low --- Duplicate class attributes break dropdown items
37528 3 0 Patrons normal P5 - low --- Using borrowerRelationship while guarantor relationship is unchecked from BorrowerMandatoryField results in error
37509 2 0 Architecture, internals, and plumbing major P5 - low --- Elasticsearch status info missing from 'Server information'
37398 2 0 Cataloging enhancement P5 - low --- Initialize a datepicker on all date/datetime fields when adding/editing items
37238 5 0 Searching enhancement P5 - low --- Add table settings to itemsearch results
37192 2 0 Label/patron card printing major P5 - low --- Can't print label from the item editor
37071 2 0 Acquisitions normal P5 - low --- Purchase suggestions from the patron account are not redirecting to the suggestion form
37055 2 0 Circulation normal P5 - low --- WaitingNotifyAtCheckout should only trigger on patrons with waiting holds
36947 2 0 Searching - Elasticsearch enhancement P5 - low --- Sort Elasticsearch facets according to system locale instead of using Perl's stringwise/bytewise sort
36770 2 0 Command-line Utilities enhancement P5 - low --- Add a --report_id parameter to export_records.pl
35826 2 0 Hold requests enhancement P5 - low --- Optimize building of holds queue based on transport cost matrix
35761 2 0 Architecture, internals, and plumbing enhancement P5 - low --- Add an administration editor for FTP and SFTP servers
35746 2 0 Reports enhancement P5 - low --- Multiple selections for parameters used in the IN function
35191 2 0 Staff interface enhancement P5 - low --- Make entries per page configurable for items table on staff detail page
35143 2 0 ILL enhancement P5 - low --- Add hooks for status changes to ILL requests to send_staff_notice
35095 2 0 ERM enhancement P5 - low --- Bibliographic record from local title only has 245$a
34838 3 0 Test Suite normal P5 - low --- The ILL module and tests generate warnings

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The Most Frequent Bugs page lists the known open bugs which are reported most frequently, counting the number of direct and indirect duplicates of bugs. This information is provided in order to assist in minimizing the amount of duplicate bugs entered into Bugzilla, which saves time for Quality Assurance engineers who have to triage the bugs.

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