Examples in Koha 16.05: %s [%% INCLUDE "openlibrary-readapi.inc" bib = { normalized_isbn => normalized_isbn, lccn => lccn, normalized_oclc => normalized_oclc } %%] %s [%% UNLESS hidden.defined('phone') && hidden.defined('phonepro') && hidden.defined('mobile') && hidden.defined('email') && hidden.defined('emailpro') && hidden.defined('fax') %%] In Pootle, a search for [%% has 40 results
It happens when TT directive are on several lines. I tried to fix C4::TTParser::text but failed. I don't know how to fix this one correctly.
(In reply to Jonathan Druart from comment #1) > It happens when TT directive are on several lines. > I tried to fix C4::TTParser::text but failed. > I don't know how to fix this one correctly. Hi Jonathan, C4/TTParser.pm, line 78 has following regex: \[%.*?%] . (dot) is (any character exept newline. I evaluated some possipilities with http://regexr.com/ It seems that the following could work: \[%[\s\S]*?%] What do you think about?
No idea, did you try it?
(In reply to Jonathan Druart from comment #3) > No idea, did you try it? I did try now - and no way, to much side effects. I think we have to fix the line splitted TT directives.
(In reply to Marc Véron from comment #4) > (In reply to Jonathan Druart from comment #3) > > No idea, did you try it? > > I did try now - and no way, to much side effects. > > I think we have to fix the line splitted TT directives. Yes but there are lot of them and not so easy to fix IIRC :)
(In reply to Jonathan Druart from comment #5) > (In reply to Marc Véron from comment #4) > > (In reply to Jonathan Druart from comment #3) > > > No idea, did you try it? > > > > I did try now - and no way, to much side effects. > > > > I think we have to fix the line splitted TT directives. > > Yes but there are lot of them and not so easy to fix IIRC :) I mistaked in my first comment, if I do a search for [%% with exact match in koha translate I get 24 occurences. Examine them reveals some other translation issues anyway, see Bug 16871
We still have some strange constructions in the po files, although it's not that many. If you search for [%% you get 76 hits over all current translation files: ", "dt_sortby": %s"Verfasser"%s"Jahr"%s"Signatur"%s"Titel"%s, "dt_created_on": "%s", "dt_modification_time": "%s", "dt_action": "%s" }%s,%s %s ] } %s %s %s %s [%%~ action_block = ' [%% SET countries = [ "Afghanistan", "Albanien", "Algerien", "Andorra", "Angola", "Antigua & Barbuda", "Argentinien", "Armenien", "Australien", "Österreich", "Aserbaidschan", "Bahamas", "Bahrain", "Bangladesch", "Barbados", "Weißrussland", "Belgien", "Belize", "Benin", "Bhutan", "Bolivien", "Bosnien Herzegowina", "Botswana", "Brasilien", "Brunei", "Bulgarien", "Burkina", "Burundi", "Kambodscha", "Kamerun", "Kanada", "Cap Verde", "Zentralafrikanische Republik", "Tschad", "Chile", "China", "Kolumbien", "Komoren", "Kongo", "Costa Rica", "Kroatien", "Kuba", "Zypern", "Tschechische Republik", "Dänemark", "Dschibuti", "Dominica", "Dominikanische Republik", "Osttimor", "Ecuador", "Ägypten", "El Salvador", "Äquatorialguinea", "Eritrea", "Estland", "Äthiopien", "Fidschi", "Finnland", "Frankreich", "Gabun", "Gambia", "Georgien", "Deutschland", "Ghana", "Griechenland", "Grenada", "Guatemala", "Guinea", "Guinea-Bissau", "Guyana", "Haiti", "Honduras", "Ungarn", "Island", "Indien", "Indonesien", "Iran", "Irak", "Irland", "Israel", "Italien", "Elfenbeinküste", "Jamaika", "Japan", "Jordanien", "Kasachstan", "Kenia", "Kiribati", "Nordkorea", "Südkorea", "Kosovo", "Kuwait", "Kirgisistan", "Laos", "Lettland", "Libanon", "Lesotho", "Liberia", "Libyen", "Liechtenstein", "Litauen", "Luxemburg", "Mazedonien", "Madagaskar", "Malawi", "Malaysia", "Malediven", "Mali", "Malta", "Marshallinseln", "Mauretanien", "Mauritius", "Mexiko", "Mikronesien", "Moldavien", "Monaco", "Mongolei", "Montenegro", "Morokko", "Mosambik", "Myanmar", "Namibia", "Nauru", "Nepal", "Niederlande", "Neuseeland", "Nicaragua", "Niger", "Nigeria", "Norwegen", "Oman", "Pakistan", "Palau", "Panama", "Papua Neuguinea", "Paraguay", "Peru", "Philippinen", "Polen", "Portugal", "Qatar", "Rumänien", "Russische Föderation", "Ruanda", "St Kitts & Nevis", "St. Lucia", "St. Vincent", "Samoa", "San Marino", "São Tomé", "Saudiarabien", "Senegal", "Serbien", "Seychellen", "Sierra Leone", "Singapur", "Slowakei", "Slowenien", "Solomoninseln", "Somalia", "Südafrika", "Spanien", "Sri Lanka", "Sudan", "Surinam", "Swasiland", "Schweden", "Schweiz", "Syrien", "Taiwan", "Tadschikistan", "Tansania", "Thailand", "Togo", "Tonga", "Trinidad & Tobago", "Tunesien", "Türkei", "Turkmenistan", "Tuvalu", "Uganda", "Ukraine", "Vereinigte Arabische Emirate", "Vereinigtes Königreich", "Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika", "Uruguay", "Usbekistan", "Vanuatu", "Vatikan", "Venezuela", "Vietnam", "Jemen", "Sambia", "Simbabwe", ] %%]
Still valid. I just came across one in marc-overlay-rules.tt #. %1$s: END #. %2$s: UNLESS Koha.Preference( 'MARCOverlayRules' ) #: koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/admin/marc-overlay-rules.tt:58 #, c-format msgid "%s %s [%% SET pref_MARCOverlayRules_link = '" msgstr "%s %s [%% SET pref_MARCOverlayRules_link = '"
We still have 17 occurrences of [%% in the po files for 23.05. The solution we started to implement is to not use multi-line comments. We start and end the comment on the same line. See: bug 33332