It would be helpful if there could be a customizable list of resources/links for cataloging. Examples would be links to OCLC's bibliographic formats, the Cataloging Calculator, MARC21 Bibliographic Data, etc. In appearance it would be similar to the "useful resources" links in the Create from SQL page in Reports. Ideally it could be carried over from the opening cataloging page to display next to the basic and advanced cataloging editors as well.
Chris, Do you think this is a duplicate of Bug 31162?
I think maybe below the contents would be nice, to match IntranetReportsHomeHTML and IntranetCirculationHomeHTML. And possibly it should be moved to the HTML customizatoins/starting out there in the first place instead of being a pref.
Bug 6419 adds a section at the bottom. I don't know if it answers the need? Or if you really need it to be on the left?