Votes Bug # Summary
Koha (bug list) (Note: only 10 votes allowed per bug in this product.)
8 15148 Serials: Test prediction pattern starts at First issue date, not Subscription start date (Show Votes)
8 15261 Verify if checkout or hold request periods overlap with existing holds (Show Votes)
8 17390 Add REST API endpoint for Authorised Values (Show Votes)
2 19113 Barcode value builder not working with numeric branchcode (Show Votes)
8 20588 Elasticsearch - Apply dataTable on search fields and mapping tables (Show Votes)
3 23260 Anonymize (remove) patron data from items_last_borrower (Show Votes)
3 23336 Add an API endpoint for checking an item out to a patron (Show Votes)
8 23875 Elasticsearch - When sorting by score we should provide a tiebreaker (Show Votes)
8 24555 POC Elasticsearch - Use boolean queries instead of full text queries (Show Votes)
8 24631 Plugin metadata should be outside the main class (Show Votes)
8 24841 REST API should check if patron is restricted/debarred (Show Votes)
8 25028 The not-onloan-count index is not used in ES (Show Votes)
8 25900 QueryWeightFields creates unnecessary whitespace (Show Votes)
8 26440 Not renewable Supersedes On Hold (Show Votes)
8 26622 Unique Constraint on Authorised Values conflicts with use of Report Subgroup category (Show Votes)
2 28687 Add Koha::Item::Attribute(s) (Show Votes)
4 28703 Display problem in 505$a field (Show Votes)
8 29392 Add plugin hooks before merging biblios or authorities (Show Votes)
4 30019 We should DRY out search_limited (and rename it) (Show Votes)
4 30230 Search for patrons in checkout should not require edit_borrowers permission (Show Votes)
4 30745 ES : Search never return result using after-date and/or before-date in labels/ (Show Votes)
2 30795 Configure unwanted and mandatory borrower fields based on patron category (Show Votes)
8 30975 Use event delegation for framework plugins to avoid using private jQuery method _data (Show Votes)
6 31988 is only user for "Catalog by item type" report (Show Votes)
8 32928 Filters missing in SQL builder on Orders::filter_by_active (Show Votes)
4 34886 Regression in when hold button appears (Show Votes)
8 36205 Plugins should be able to create permissions (Show Votes)
166 votes used out of 200 allowed.

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